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Abdurahmonovich, Axmedov Burhoniddin
Abdurakhmanov, Ibragim
Abdurakhmanovich, Khasanov Makhmudjon
Abduravupovna, Pulatova Zubaida
Abduraximovich, Abduraximov Saidakbar
Abdurrahman, Yusuf
Abdusalimovich, Alisher Mahmudov (India)
Abdusalomovich, Mengliev Shaydulla (Austria)
Abdusamatovna, Azimova Makhfuza
Abdusamatovna, Nabiyeva Iroda, Doctor of science Tashkent Institute of textile and light industry, Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Abdusattarovich, Abdugapar Shamansurov, Ph.D., director of the Legal problems research Center in the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Abdushukirovich, Sulaymonov Otabek
Abduvakhobovich, Isakov Abduvokhid
Abduvakilov, Jakhongir
Abduvaliyevna, Sobirova Dildora
Abduvaliyevna, Sobirova Dildora (Azerbaijan)
Abduvohidovich, Ma’murov Xurshidjon
Abduvosieva, Sarvinoz (Azerbaijan)
Abduxakimovich, Rahmonov Furqat
Abduxalilovich, Khabibullaev Xoljura
Abduxalilovna, Khabibullaeva Madina
Abe, Tsegaye, (MA in Literature): lecturer at Wachemo University (Ethiopia)
Abed, Dhurgham Kadhim, candidate, Civil Engineering Department University College of Engineering, Osmania University, India (India)
Abed, Dhurgham K., Construction and engineering Management College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad,Telangana, India (India)

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