Developing Attitude Scale on Economy Education towardTeacher Candidates of Social Studies- A Study of Validity and Reliability



Economics is a factor causing people to make decisions which result in their biggest happiness or sadness. We take economical decisions. While taking decisions, we solve problems, think creatively and sometimes adapt a critical manner and criticise several individuals and associations in different ways and methods. Claiming rights, calling someone to account, reacting against injustices and voting which is one of the most important duties of citizens, are the basic criteria of a functioning democracy. Social studiesisa discipline that is shaped in order to redound such abilities to individuals. The aim of this study is to develop a measurement tool in order to determine teacher candidates of social studies towards economy. Study was carried out through a sample consisting of 436 teacher candidates of social sciences. Validity and reliability analyses indicate that this measurement tool is adequate in measuring attitudes of teacher candidates of social studies towards economy education.


Economics; social studies; attitude; exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis

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