Policies of IJR

Policies of IJR

There are various aspects of the journal publication, and distribution and to make our authors and subscribers aware of the policies that we adopt will help foster better relations. These policies are liable to change if required and the same will be communicated through proper channel.

Archiving Policy

The research papers and thesis published in this journal are being archived by us through the use of the facilities available with us. We have been using the services of LOCKSS & CLOCKSS. We allow archiving and storing of the published papers by individuals, organizations, institutions and others.
Anyone is free to store and archive the published papers for use, but such uses must be in accordance with the terms and conditions of use i.e. with due reference to the published papers in this Journal and due credit to the authors.

Author’s Rights and Obligations

All authors published their research papers in International Journal of Research (IJR) are entitled for following rights and obligations
  1. Authors hold full copyright and self archiving rights, they transfer the publishing rights to IJR.
  2. We do decline to publish material where a pre-print or working paper has been previously mounted online.
  3. We allow author to get their seminar papers published with note about the seminar if the paper is not mounted online.
  4. The research and review papers published in IJR can be archived in any private of public archives online or offline. For this purposed authors need to use the final published papers downloaded from http://internationaljournalofresearch.com/
  5. Authors are allowed to archive their article in open access repositories as “post-prints”. Note: a post-print is the version incorporating changes and modifications resulting from peer-review comments.
  6. The authors need to acknowledge the original reference to the published paper when used in some other format like epub or audio files.
  7. IJR offers Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License to researchers and scholar who uses the content of the published papers.
  8. Authors are free to use link to our published papers and share the published papers online or offline in the final format printed on the Journal website.
  9. Authors can index and store the published papers in the private or public archives or repositories like university database, internet archived, academia, researchgate etc.
  10. We promote sharing of knowledge with due credit to the authors and researchers of the papers published with IJR.

Conflict of Interest Statement

Authors submitting articles to the journals of International Scholarly Open Access Research Publications (ISOARP) should clearly state the following
  • Conflict of any interest between authors or institutions.
  • The disclosure of financial support of any institution must be acknowledged if applicable.
  • The conflict of interest should be written at the end of the paper and before the start of the References.

IJR Policy of Publication

  1. International Journal of Research (IJR) publishes papers that are judged by editorial board or peer reviewed by expert reviewers.
  2. Types of articles allowed for publication include original research papers, reviews, mini-reviews, short research communications.
  3. IJR aims at rapid publication of quality research results and reviews while maintaining just and reasonable review process.
  4. The criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication in IJR are originality, innovation and scientific, social and developmental importance.
  5. All published articles are open access, and are freely available to thousands of researchers, scientists, faculties, students that use the internet as the most convenient mode of research every day.
  6. IJR ensures that published article gets indexed in other databases so that the research publications are easily accessible to all.

Delivery and Shipping Policy

Those who have paid the subscription fee for the print version will receive the printed book within a week or more after publication of the print version which takes place on the 25th or after (due to some holidays or unavoidable circumstances. The authors and subscribers must update their address of shipping in case it has changed. The product shipped to the wrong address due to unavailability of updated address is liable to get returned to office of IJR. In such cases, the author or subscriber will be have to bear the additional cost of shipping involved. The printed books are currently being shipped to addresses in India only. Delivery of the printed copies will be through speed post or courier services. For any inquiries related to delivery and shipping, you can contact us through



Indexing Policy

Our team of the editors and web managers take utmost care to ensure that the published papers in the journal are available through various online search engines and the databases of the different open source collections. Our indexing helps you in getting recognized for your paper in minimum possible time.
Our published article is indexed in the Google Scholar to ensure that millions of the scholars and researchers read your paper and gain an insight into the topic that your paper deals with. Our open access policy ensures that anyone can access your article free of charge from the journal website and use them with due reference which further ensure that your research is going to add more value to the upcoming researchers.
We are working for the benefits of the community of the researchers and scholars who wish to make their  research paper easily accessible to the millions of the people and avoid getting their papers locked in the database of the traditional style of the journals.
If you are ready with your manuscript, then our journal is going to provide you a platform from where you can reach our to the world standing on the shoulders of the researchers and scholars who have been supporting our venture for making the scholarly articles freely available to the community of the researchers and scholars of the developing countries.
Our years of experience in the field of online publishing, and SEO optimizing of the content will ensure that your article is easily accessible to those who keep on searching for freely available contents through search engines like Google and Yahoo. Our indexing of the published articles ensures that the article reaches to the right person at the right time without making him pay for it.
We have deep faith in the community of the researchers and scholars who give due reference to the article published in the journals or other sources. So your published article is going to serve the purpose for which you did such a fantastic and rigorous research and writing.
For timely publication of your paper, make sure that they are as per the guidelines for the submission of the paper for International Journal of Research (IJR).

Open Access Policy

International Journal of Research (IJR) is committed towards open access publishing mode and it support open access in all forms. Open access publishing mode they are informed to read the articles and website based information related to open access publishing mode which is revolutionising the publishing industry in the recent decade.
Open access publishing model is an established publishing mode that provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full text of research articles without requiring a subscription to the particular journal in which these articles are published. Mostly in this model, the publication costs including article processing cost are usually covered by the author’s institution or research funds or by the author(s) themselves. Open access charges replace subscription charges allow the publishers to make the article freely available to all interested readers to download and distribute the published article. Other than the initial publication charges paid for open access journals are no different from the normal subscription based journals and they adopt the same peer-review system to identify the suitability of the particular article to get published, they even undergo better quality control as any other scholarly journal.

Advantages of Open access publishing through us are

  1. Unrestricted availability of article to all researchers and readers across the globe
  2. Immediate availability of article once the article is published online
  3. Higher citation and impact due to the reason that more researchers are able to view the article and use the same for their research purpose
  4. Faster publication owing to quicker processing and online only publication mode.
  5. High standards of publishing and stringent peer review process.
  6. Highly sustainable publishing model – More researchers are turning towards open access publishing model.
  7. Helping authors in long term self-archival of the article.
  8. Open access publishing mode provides a way for researchers from low-income and developing countries to participate more fully in the international research community.
  9. Free exchange of scientific information can play an important role in international development.
All articles published through our journal adopting Open Access Publishing policy based on Creative Commons Attribution License. This means that all articles published in our journals, including any data, graphics and supplements, can be linked from outside in, crawled by search engines, re-used by text mining applications or websites, blogs, repositories etc. free of charge under the sole condition of proper accreditation of the source, original author(s) and original Publisher.

Copyright and License

Copyright of any article(s) published through our journal are owned and retained by the concerned author(s). Authors grant the publisher a license to publish the article and identify International Journal of Research (IJR) as the original publisher. Authors also grant any third party, the right to use their article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and original publisher are identified.

Author(s) certification

In submitting a research article (‘article’) to International Journal of Research (IJR) authors are requested to certify that:
They are authorized by their co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
  1. The article is original, has not been formally published/ accepted for publication in any other peer-reviewed journal, and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights;
  2. The article contains nothing that is unlawful, libelous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy;
  3. They are the sole author(s) of the article and have full authority to enter into this agreement and in granting rights to Integrated Publishing Association are not in breach of any other obligation/ rights of any other person. If the law requires that the article be published in the public domain, they will notify publisher at the time of submission;
  4. They have taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article and also aggress to follow ethical principles and procedures of scientific publishing. To their – and currently accepted scientific – knowledge all statements contained in it purporting to be facts are true and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not,
  5. The Author declares that any person named as co-author of the Article   is aware of the fact and has agreed to being so named.
  6. Author will indemnify the Publisher for, and hold the Publisher harmless from any loss, expense or damage occasioned by, any claim or suit by a third party for copyright infringement or arising out of any breach of the foregoing warranties as a result of publication of the Article.
  7. Authors know clearly about the details of open access publishing and also had read and understood the terms of Creative Commons license 3.0.
  8. Author(s) had obtained the necessary and required permission from the concerned sources for the material used in preparation of the article and the content of the article is completely free from copyright violation.

Reprints and permissions

All research articles published through our journals are made available and publicly accessible via the Internet without any restrictions or payment to be made by the user. PDF versions of all research articles are available freely for download by any reader who intent to download it. This is a convenient way for users to print high quality copies of articles.

Plagiarism Policy of IJR

Submitting authors are required to acknowledge that they are aware of the International Journal of Research (IJR)’s policy on plagiarism and copyright when signing the article’s copyright transfer agreement. Manuscripts are sent out for review on the condition that any unpublished data cited within are properly credited and the appropriate permission has been sought. The policy outlined on this page applies to International Journal of Research (IJR).
Plagiarism is the copying of ideas, text, data and other creative work (e.g. tables, figures and graphs) and presenting it as original research without proper citation. Separate from the issue of plagiarism is the need for authors to obtain permission to reuse previously published work (even if properly cited) from the holder of the copyright (which is typically not the author).
It is essential that editors and reviewers be told by the authors when any portion of a paper is based heavily on previous work, even if this work has been written by one or more of the authors of the paper. It is the responsibility of the author not only to cite the previous work, including their own, but to provide an indication of the extent to which a paper depends on this work.
While following these broad principles, authors should recognize the following guidelines:
1) Plagiarism covers the use of ideas that have been presented in prior work, regardless of whether the ideas are expressed using the same words, tables or graphics.
2) Word-for-word copying of the work by others must be clearly identified. Short segments (a few words to one or two sentences) must be put in quotes or italicized; longer segments (e.g. a paragraph) should be indented or italicized. In both cases, the quoted work has to be followed by a citation, which may be a URL. This does not apply to casual phrases that do not convey original content (e.g. “This paper makes the following contributions”). Extensive copying of the work of others, even if clearly indicated, is generally not allowed.
3) More extensive word-for-word copying of one’s own work is permitted (with permission from the holder of any copyright), but this must be clearly indicated in the article. This does not apply to previous documents such as working papers and theses which were written as part of the research. If an entire section is copied from another source (co-authored by at least one author of the submitted paper), it should contain words to the effect “This section is taken from section x.x of Mr A and Mr B (2013)” (where Mr A and Mr B are co-authors of the submitted paper). Alternatively, a paper might include an opening footnote with a statement such as: An earlier version of this paper was presented at the […] conference on (date). [Reference to the original paper in the list of references]. The sections on […] and […] originally appeared in the conference paper. This paper adds results [ideas, analysis, improvements,] in sections […].
4) Proper attribution of an idea is required even if a journal operates with double-blind review. Authors should always cite related work even if that work is their own, even if the journal has double blind review. If an author is concerned that such citation would reveal their identity, thereby circumventing the double blind process, they should nevertheless include a “blinded” citation in the manuscript, i.e., a citation that does not include their name, and explain to the journal’s editor how, if the paper is accepted for publication, that citation will be changed for the final version.
5) The first paper in which a creative contribution occurs (text, ideas, analysis) gets the credit for the contribution, even if it has not yet been accepted for publication. Subsequent papers (by the same or different authors), are expected to cite the first paper (even if it is under review).
If the first paper is under review:
• It should still be cited in any subsequent use.
• If the material in the first paper is used as the basis for new research, it should be cited, but there is no need to inform the journal handling the original submission.
If the first paper is rejected:
• Authors of the first paper can transfer credit for the contribution to a later paper (even if the first paper is resubmitted elsewhere). The resubmitted first paper should then be modified to reference the later paper that now is credited with the contribution.
If the original contribution from the first paper is essentially presented again as the main contribution (as opposed to being used as the basis for new research), as might happen in a book chapter or conference proceedings paper, then special care must be taken:
• If the original paper is still under review, the author must notify the editor of the journal reviewing the original submission and follow the policies of that journal. Failure to do so may be construed as parallel publication of a result.
6) The use and reuse of empirical data follows the same principles as other types of research, although some issues are unique to the nature of data as opposed to ideas expressed in text and mathematics. Some general guidelines regarding plagiarism in the reporting of empirical research are:
a) Reuse of empirical data to support new analysis must clearly identify the original source of the data and the degree to which the data is being reused or analysed in a new and innovative way.
b) Plagiarism in empirical research includes:
i) Copying or using any data without citation (and permission),
ii) Duplicating analysis (on the same data as an earlier paper) without citation which is essentially the same as the earlier paper,
iii) Copying, or direct reproduction, of charts and graphs that represent data from a previous publication in effectively the same way as an earlier paper, without citation.
7) Mathematics: While plagiarism of mathematical ideas is not allowed (credit must be given just as for other contributions), the re-use of notation for consistency is encouraged, including the re-use of variable definitions. If a mathematical idea is copied without attribution, but expressed with different notation, this is still plagiarism. This does not apply to mathematical models and algorithms that have become common knowledge within the research community. A paper should always indicate whether a mathematical model, algorithm or other result is from the literature, or is an original contribution of the paper. When in doubt, it is always best practice to cite prior contributions.
The overarching goal of this policy is transparency, so that the editorial staff understands what is new and original, and the degree to which the paper is drawing on the work of others or the authors. If you are not sure how to properly credit work that is presented elsewhere (such as a parallel publication which is also under review or a conference proceeding), the best strategy is to describe the situation in a cover letter to the editor.
Procedures and penalties
The Editors-in-Chief is the primary means of detecting plagiarism in manuscripts submitted to IJR. Complainants shall bring cases of suspected author misconduct to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief (EIC). The EIC shall ensure that the following documentation is provided: written description of the alleged misconduct; title of the manuscript; full list of author names; for alleged plagiarized manuscript – title, list of author names and publication in which the manuscript appeared; for use of ideas – title of idea, full list of creators and date of creation; copies of both manuscripts; full name and address of complainant. An Editor-in-Chief (EIC), after being made aware of a suspicion of plagiarism, shall review all evidence and make a preliminary judgment regarding the claim. As part of the EIC’s deliberation, it is required that the authors be contacted and provided an opportunity to rebut the charge. If the EIC finds sufficient evidence for justification of a charge of plagiarism, the EIC shall forward all materials to the Vice President of Publications for further review.
Upon receipt of materials in support of a charge of plagiarism, the Vice President of Publications shall appoint an ad hoc committee to make a determination of the charge. The committee shall include, at a minimum, the Vice President of Publications and at least three other persons. At the discretion of the Vice President of Publications, other members of the Publications Committee may be appointed to the ad hoc committee, including the EIC who has presented the charge of plagiarism.
The ad hoc committee shall first contact the author(s) in writing and ask for a response to the charge. Based on the response, the ad hoc committee may obtain additional information, which may include a review of the manuscript in question by experts to help determine the level of plagiarism. The ad hoc committee shall determine whether the charge is to be upheld and, if so, the sanction which is to be enforced against the authors. Sanctions would typically include a ban from submission to IJR for a period of time. Additionally, it is required that any author found guilty of plagiarism who also holds an editorial office at IJR will be dismissed from that office. The ad hoc committee has the sole responsibility and authority to determine the sanction. Sanctions may be applied unevenly in the case of multiple authors.
Once the finding and the sanction is determined, the Vice President of Publications will communicate the results in writing to the author(s) and make the finding known to current EIC. If the charge is not upheld, the process ends and no further actions are taken. In particular, the results are only communicated to those persons already involved in the process.
The decision of the committee may be appealed within 30 days of receiving written notification from the Vice President of Publications by written notification to the editor, IJR. In this case, the President will appoint an appeal committee, which includes the Vice President of Publications but may not include any other members of the ad hoc committee. The appeal committee will review the charges and make a final determination. The result will be communicated back to the author(s) within 60 days of receipt of the appeal notification.
Given the serious nature of a charge of plagiarism, it is required that confidentiality be maintained throughout the process. The charge of plagiarism, supporting materials and outcome are only to be made known to those persons who are involved in the review process.
If a determination of plagiarism has been made, and after any appeals are exhausted, the ad hoc committee will determine appropriate steps both to ensure that it does not happen again and, if the plagiarized paper has appeared in print, to possibly notify the readership. These steps may include notification of the employer(s) of the author(s), and if the paper has appeared in print, public notification to the readership.
Penalties for Plagiarism
When plagiarism has been found to have occurred, IJR will take the actions listed below as determined by the type of plagiarism. Unless determined otherwise during the investigation, all authors are deemed to be individually and collectively responsible for the content of a plagiarizing paper.
a. Verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing a significant portion of another author’s paper without citing the source and without clearly delineating (e.g., in quotation marks) the source material.
• IJR will inform the Department Chair, Dean, or supervisor of the authors of the finding of plagiarism.
• The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the authors of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of plagiarism.
• If the paper has appeared in press, IJR will post a Notice of Plagiarism based on the investigation on the IJR Digital Library’s citation page of the plagiarizing paper and will remove access to the full text. The paper itself will be kept in the database for future research or legal purposes.
• If the paper is under submission, the paper can be automatically rejected by the Editor-in-Chief or the Program Chair without further revisions and without any further plagiarism investigation coordinated by the Editor-in-Chief.
b. Verbatim copying, near-verbatim copying, or purposely paraphrasing sentences of another author’s paper and/or, copying elements of another author’s paper (such as non-common knowledge illustrations and equations) without citing the source and without clearly delineating (e.g., in quotation marks) the source material.
• The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the authors of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of the plagiarism.
• If the paper has appeared in press, IJR will post a Notice of Plagiarism based on the investigation on the IJR Digital Library’s citation page of the plagiarizing paper and will remove access to the full text. The paper itself will be kept in the database in case of future legal actions.
• If the paper is under submission, the paper can be automatically rejected by the Editor-in-Chief without further revisions and without any further plagiarism investigation coordinated by the IJR. In addition, a letter of warning will be sent by the Editor-in-Chief to the authors with a copy of the IJR Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
c. Verbatim copying of portions of another author’s paper with citing, but not clearly differentiating what text has been copied (e.g., not applying quotation marks correctly) and/or not citing the source correctly.
NB: Representing substantial portions of another’s work as one’s own can result in the stronger penalties of 6a even when that work is cited.
• The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the authors of the plagiarized paper, including an admission of the plagiarism.
• If the paper is under submission, at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief or Program Chair, the paper can either be automatically rejected without future review or a revision will be required that clearly and correctly cites the previous work without any further plagiarism investigation coordinated by the • IJR. In addition, a letter of warning will be sent by the Editor-in-Chief or the Program Chair to the authors with a copy of the IJR Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
 Self-plagiarism or redundant, duplicative publication (verbatim or near-verbatim reuse of significant portions of one’s own copyrighted work in subsequent papers where the authors have not disclosed in the subsequent paper the previous publication).
• If the paper has appeared in press, IJR will post a Notice of Self Plagiarism or a Notice of Redundant Publication based on the investigation on the IJR Digital Library’s citation page of the self-plagiarizing paper.
• If the paper is under submission and at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, the paper can either be automatically rejected without future review or a revision will be required that includes a citation to and discussion of the previous paper and without any further plagiarism investigation coordinated by the IJR. In addition, a letter of warning will be sent by the Editor-in-Chief.
Should the authors refuse to comply with the above (e.g., if they refuse to write a formal letter of apology) or if it is determined during the plagiarism investigation that there have been multiple violations of any of the above forms of plagiarism by the same authors, IJR retains the right to impose further sanctions such as automatic rejection of all current and future submissions for some extended period of time, invoking penalties prescribed by the IJR Codes of Ethics, and possibly statutory/injunctive relief. U.S. Copyright law allows a copyright owner to seek a maximum of $150,000 in damages upon a determination of wilful infringement of copyright.

Privacy Policy

The content published in this Journal is open access and all the details submitted in the paper will be visible to all the users.
The private communications and subscription payment details and such other sensitive information will not be shared with any third party. The details of the cards used for payment will not be stored and authors or subscribers will have to use their details again during the time of renewal of the subscription.

Refund and Cancellation

The processing fee once paid will not be refunded in any case.
In case of the subscription fee. The authors and subscribers get the refund of the months for which they don’t wish to get the print copies. The refund will be made only at the end of the month for which the refund is applied.
Such refund is liable to deduction of service charges as application for banks and the associated cost.

Retraction Policy

Cases of possible plagiarism or duplicate/redundant publication can be assessed by the editors. In cases of proven misconduct by authors for plagiarism in the paper submission, the retracted papers are retained online, and they are prominently marked as a retraction in all online versions, including the PDF, for the benefit of future readers.
  1. The reasons of the retraction of the paper is also published to ensure that the author is discouraged to do so in future.
  2. The papers retracted will be notified to the authors.
  3. In no case the processing fee or publication fee will be refunded to such authors as a punishment for this misconduct.
  4. Such authors will be banned for future for submitting papers for publication.
  5.  Furthermore, Rs 1,000 or $20 will be charged as retraction fee payable by authors.

Term of Uses of the Content of IJR

One is free to use the content of the journal for indexing and other purposes free of charge and the content used must be duly referenced.
For the ease of the use of references, we have provided a sample of referring the paper on the first page of the published articles which can be downloaded free of charge for the purposed of information and knowledge sharing.
All articles and accompanying materials published by IJR or on IJR Site, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed by the respective authors of such articles for use and distribution by you subject to citation of the original source in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License.
Creative Commons License
Written by Different Authors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://internationaljournalofresearch.com/.
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