Peer Review Process

All submissions to International Journal of Research (IJR) are subject to independent review.

We have adopted two methods of paper review

1. Blind Peer review by expert peer reviewers.

We send the original, unpublished article for review by expert in the related field. Our editorial take decision after the review is complete. This review is adopted in case of technical new research paper.

2. Editorial Board Review

This technique of review is adopted when the paper is of literature review nature. The research work conducted by graduate, post graduate students and PhD Scholars are assessed through this technique.

The objectives of the peer review process include:

  • To assess the quality of the paper before publication. This reviews decides whether a paper is fit for publication or not.
  • To provide expert assessment of the quality and soundness of the submission under review.
  • To provide guidance to the editorial decision-maker in making an informed, fair, and objective decision on whether to accept, accept subject to changes, or reject.
  • To provide guidance to authors on improvements to their submission.

Sources of Peer Reviewers

Reviewers are drawn from the journal’s editorial board and volunteer peer reviewer pool.  Occasionally reviewers identified as being suitable through different sources will be approached.

Note: Recommendations from authors of peer reviewers from other institutions is accepted and the authors need to send us the name, affiliations and official email id and contact no.

Peer Review Policy
The Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd while maintaining the highest standards of peer-reviewing, it increases the efficiency and the speed of the processes. Manuscripts submitted to the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd are initially received by the editorial staff who may reject submissions that are out of the scope or that have low standard contents. Only potentially suitable manuscripts will be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief to make the first decision. Editor-in-Chief will decide promptly whether to accept, reject, or request the Editorial Board to handle the manuscript. The Editorial Board members share their wisdom and vision with the Editors-in-Chief and assist him to make final publication decision.

Peer review of submissions:
Articles submitted directly to the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd will be fully peer-reviewed by at least two appropriately qualified experts in the field selected by the Editor-in-Chief or a designated member of the Editorial Board. The Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd reserve the right to assign additional reviews when needed. Authors will be advised when editors decide further review is required. Generally, all selected reviewers are asked to declare their competing interests, if any. Based on the referees comments, the Editor-in-Chief will then decide whether to accept, reject or request revisions for the submitted paper. Only the novelty and incrementally (but not assessments of priority) determine whether the submission would be accepted for publication in the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd.