Publication Schedule

Publication Schedule (Important Dates for You)



Manuscript Submission for the Publication

As and when your paper is complete for publication. Best time to send is from 1st of month to 20th of the same month.

Receipt of Paper

Within 24hr of the submission through email.

Manuscript Review Feedback

Within a week or two weeks.

Manuscript Registration

Instantly on the receipt of the paper.

Online Publication

The Paper accepted for publication on receipt of the processing fee by the 25th of the month will get published in the current month otherwise the paper will be considered for the next month.

Issuing of Certificate of Publication

The Certificate of Publication in form of Jpeg or Pdf is issued along with the publication of paper online.

Print Publication

Printing is done on 29/30 or 31st of the month.

Selected papers are published in print version and usually the print copy is sent in the first week of the next month of the publication.

e.g.  If paper is published in June issue then print copy will be sent in first week of July of same year.