Aim and Objectives of IJR

Aim of IJR

The aim of the International Journal of Research (IJR) is to be a leading source of scholarly articles and research papers through the promotion of research publication at affordable or at no cost in long run. In another word to make research publication hassle free for financially constrained researchers and scholars. The published article will always be open access, free under Creative Commons License and archived for future generations.

Objectives of IJR

  1. To provide publishing platform to researchers and scholars from different field.
  2. To give scholars a chance to be part of the scholars community who assists and helps others in publication and review.
  3. To make research papers and scholarly articles available free of cost to all users without any subscription or login ID.
  4. To create avenues for promotion and publication of research papers about and from social, economically and culturally weakened sections of the society across the world.
  5. To make research publication hassle free to ensure sharing of knowledge in due time.

Scope of Publication

 International Journal of Research (Int. J. Res.) is a multi-disciplinary journal and hence wide scope of publication.
Original research articles, reviews and short communication in all areas of Science, Social Science, Engineering and Management are most welcome in for publication in the International Journal of Research (IJR).
Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works, which are not under review in any other journals. The scopes of the journal include, but not limited to, the following topic areas: science & technology, social studies, planning and development, English language and literature.