Must Read Guidelines

Please go through this must read instructions and guidelines for publication in International Journal of Research (IJR)
  1. The article must contain the tentative order of content i.e.
1.1.    Title of the Paper,
1.2.    Authors Name (First Name + Second Name + Last Name; 2nd Author’s Name; 3rd Author’s Name; etc. )
1.3.    Affiliation of authors (Mentioning of Email IDs of all authors is compulsory)
1.4.   Abstract (100-300 words)
1.5.    Keywords, 5 to 10 (Keywords or Key Phrases)
Note: Provide terms for indexing the submission; separate terms with a
semi-colon (term1; term2; term3).
1.6.    Introduction
1.7.    Methodology and Techniques Used
1.8.    Case Study
1.9.    Results and Discussion
1.10.    Conclusions and Recommendations
1.11. Acknowledge of Source of Funding if any for the Research work.
1.12.  List of References (Minimum 5 and Maximum 100)
1.13.  File Name (Title of Paper by Authors name upto three otherwise, 1st author’s name et. al.)
e.g. A Postcolonial Study of V.S. Naipaul’s Half a Life by  Mahender Singh
We are dead against plagiarism.
Note: We allow similarity upto 30 % above it, papers is rejected. Different universities follow different tolerance and they can decide upon individual papers on their own criteria for rejection.

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Do your research before writing and values others research work though due referencing and maintain the standard and reputation of the International Journal of Research (IJR).

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