Publication Ethics & Policy

Publication Ethics
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Citation Manipulation
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Redundant Publications
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The Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd is committed to provide its readers and professionals with only trusted materials, thus, any misconduct (mentioned above) that might be submitted to the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd journal(s) will be immediately rejected and returned. Moreover, all submissions forwarded to any of the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd journal(s) by any of the authors of the infringing manuscript will be returned without further consideration. Furthermore, the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd will prohibit all of the authors (either individually or in combination with other authors) from submission to any of the Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd journals for a minimum of 36 months. The prohibition will also include any of the infringing authors from serving on the Editorial Board of any Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd journal.

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Immediate rejection of the infringing manuscript.
Immediate rejection of every other manuscript submitted to any journal published by Asian Network for Scientific Information by any of the authors of the infringing manuscript.
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