Cuddapah Basin and Pulivendula area their importance

C.V.R.K Prasad


The interest in the Mid-Proterozoic Cddapah Basin is recently revived because of the realization that such basin of the world mark a major stage in the history of the Earth, since their rock sequences and their environment of formation are different from the older Archaean examples. These basins are thicker and have a greater aerial extent and have lesser volcano components compared to the older super groups. In these Mid-proterozoic basins an initial sedimentation together with rapid volcanic stage was followed by more prolonged stage of sedimentation. Generally metamorphism of these sequences is absent or unimportant. They are also characterized by the presence of red beds and micro fossils I the form of stromalites.Mid-proterozoicasinscontainsingeneral,uraniummineralization in comglomerates,phosphorites in shales, dolomits and quartzites and lead-zinc mineralization in carbonates,shales,slates,phyllites and quartzites. The basins are believed to have been formed by thermal events in the crust, leading to block faulting or formation of aulacogens into which sediments were deposited in shallow marine environment which may be subjected to folding and thrusting due to later tectonic events. The Cudddapah basin very good example of the Mid-Proterozoic Basins representing generally most of their characteristics. It is one of the largest sedimentary basins in India with huge sediment thickness of about 10 kilometers with the geological history of about 1000 million years preserved in them. 


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