Interest and Preferences of Senior Citizens: Basis for Wellness Program

Ermiegen S. Bajan


This paper examined the interests and preferences of senior citizens that can be the basis for wellness program. It used the descriptive – survey method of research in determining the interests and preferences Cagwait senior citizens. Interviews were also conducted among the respondents to verify the data gathered. Senior citizens were also made to perform activities to supplement the information needed. Stratified random sampling was utilized in determining the number of participants. The actual number of respondents per barangay was determined by identifying the proportional value. Thus, the top five physical activities that were preferred by senior citizens were brisk walking, jogging, dancing, and aerobic dancing and aerobic exercise that swimming and aquabics may be introduced to the senior citizens as one of their wellness program since beaches in Cagwait were accessible to them. Thus, the senior citizens of Cagwait may enhance their fitness level through a wellness program or by joining the wellness program, the Local Government of Cagwait and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development may sustain the implementation of the wellness program for the senior citizens, and leaders of the senior citizens organization were encourage having budget or enough financial support to sustain wellness program and may be included in their anniversary as one of the activities.

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