Theory of Population

Dr. Umar Lawal Aliyu


The thrust of the paper is on theory of population. An Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus Thomas examined the relationship between population growth and resources. From this, he developed the Malthusian theory of population growth in which he wrote that population growth occurs exponentially, so it increases according to birth rate. Further, Neo-Malthusians Robert Kaplan and Thomas Fraser expanded Malthus’ ideas to more than just food, but to also include energy resources. They argued that wars and civil violence would increase as food, clean air, fuel, and suitable farmland become scarcer. Consequently, Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) rejected Malthus’ ideas of natural order of population increase. He instead argues that capitalism drives population growth as a way to increase pool of cheap labour. William Catton (1926 - ) Overshoot; the ecological basis for revolution and Links population with “carrying capacity of ecosystems, the cornucopian myth, inaccurate belief the earth is limitless, as humans over-exert the earth’s resources they will eventually pay the price, environmental damage and new Technologies adopted without knowing implications. However, in the 20th Century Thought Esther Boserup was of the idea of optimistic view of population growth and that as population approached crisis the world would respond with assistance spawning economic growth and new technologies. Julian Simon added that Population growth spurs economic development and more people mean more ideas.

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