Distance-Based security data transmission in Biometric-Based Encryption

Mounika Malaga, Ravuri Venkata Kiran Kumar


Crypto-biometric system model introduces a new encryption notion called distance-based encryption (DBE) Biometrics in identity-based encryption. In this notion, a cipher text encrypted with a vector and a threshold value can be decrypted with a private key of another vector, if and only if the distance between these two vectors is less than or equal to the threshold value. The adopted distance measurement is called Mahalanob is distance, which is a generalization of Euclidean distance. The most important of this new encryption notion is to incorporate biometric identities, such as iris, finger and face. this method, usually the input biometric identity associated with a private key will not be exactly the same as the input biometric identity in the encryption phase, even though they are from the same user. And it shows how to construct generically and efficiently using DBE with reasonable size of private keys and cipher texts. Also proposed a new DBE scheme with the shortest private keys are build. In this encryption efficiently using RSA algorithm

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