A study of Customer Delight in specialty restaurants-an example from Pune city (India)

Amita Nilesh Kolapkar, Sachin S Vernekar


This study aims to assess the factors  that lead to customer delight in specialty restaurants in Pune city (India). The purpose of the study is to identify the factors that could create the  customer delight for customer in specialty restaurant. These identified factors would help  specialty restaurants to analyze the   most important factors of a product or service by a customer which leads to customer delight. In this highly competitive restaurant business environment the specialty restaurants can identify their position with regards to competitors and identify new growth opportunities. A sample of specialized restaurants in Pune city(India) is surveyed using a structured questionnaire.  The outcome of the study  illustrate that to delight customers few factors play an significant role. The  study  discovered that Word of Mouth assumes the most imperative job in conveying customers to a specialty restaurant. Future research suggestions and strategies are recommended.   

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