Poultry Nutrition with Linear Programming Approach

War War Myint, Thin Thin San, Seint Wint Thu, Thu Zar Htet


Myanmar is an agricultural country. Chickens are the most numerous farm animals in the country, totaling 70 million in Myanmar. They are considered to be able to avoid from complex diseases and to be sufficient nutrition. This paper focuses on the significant progress of poultry nutrition. The goal of the diet problem is to select a set of nutrients that will satisfy a set of daily nutritional requirement at minimum cost. The main aim of the study is to solve the nutrition problems for laying hens by linear programming and to understand knowledge and fact for nutrition of laying hens, to formulate least cost ration which may be used in commercially by farmers. The nutrient diet model formulation is a combination of different feed ingredients needed for a balance diet of the bird. Model solution and post-optimality test results were obtained and compared with existing practice of the case study farm. This also reduced the amount of fat contained in the existing ration but adding more flesh by significantly increased the metabolisable energy needed for physiological structure

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