Hybrid PV-Array Excited With-Driven Induction Generator for off grid Application



Isolated renewable energy systems that is based fully on renewable resources but at the same time reliable is necessary for meeting the power demands of remote places where utility grid is not available and for which hybrid wind-solar systems plays a crucial role. In this paper, a simplified fuzzy logic control scheme has been presented for a stand-alone hybrid PV array-excited wind driven induction generator considering a three phase variable load with or without unbalance. The proposed scheme exploits the ruggedness and cost-effective induction generator as a viable alternative for an expensive permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) which is invariably used in stand-alone small wind turbines. Any stand-alone system employs a battery, however the system is suppose to deliver power even in the absence of battery and the battery less mode of operation is presented in this paper. The control scheme has been validated with simulation results. Extensive field test has been performed using a 2.4 kW PV panels, 2.2 kW Wind turbine emulator and weather stations for performance evaluation. The validation results have been presented which shows the proposed scheme is expected to be an attractive solution for remote application where utility grid is either not feasible or not economical.

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