Effect of Firm Attributes on Timeliness of Financial Reporting: Evidence from Quoted Companies in Nigeria

Echekoba Felix Nwaolisa, Ubesie, Cyril madubuko, Osakwe Charity Ifunanya, Anachedo Chima Kenneth


This study investigated the nexus between firm attribute and timeliness of financial reports in Nigerian quoted companies. Specifically, the study ascertains; the relationship between firm industry type and financial year end and timeliness of financial reports in Nigerian quoted companies. Ex Post Facto research design will be adopted for the study. The population is all quoted companies in Nigeria as at 31st December 2019. Consumer goods companies were used as the sample size. Data was sourced from the content analysis of annual reports and accounts of the selected quoted Nigeria companies for eleven years from the year 2009 to 2019. Panel data regression techniques would be used to estimate the relationship between the variables with aid of e-view 9.0 software. The result revealed that though the industrial type and financial year end has effect on timeliness of financial reports, there is no significant effect between type of industry, financial year end and the timeliness of financial reporting, followed by the of the company which also has no significant effect on the timeliness of financial reporting. The study recommended that to curb the challenges of reporting lag in timeliness of financial reporting in Nigeria among industrial sectors, the various conflicting provisions regarding timeliness as specified in the various enactments should be harmonized.

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