Achieving Educational Sustainability In Nigeria Via E-Learning In A Pandemic Period

Osamudiamen O. Ikpmonmwosa, Dominic N. Patience


Education is power and a veritable tool for the advancement and development of every growing nation like Nigeria. Any process that obstructs the acquiring of knowledge and idea that shape peoples attitude, actions, and achievements should not be allowed or sustained. In the recent pandemic period in Nigeria, opportunities for students to learn formally have been terminated and this is capable of crumbling the development of any nation. E-learning method is a process that cannot be obstructed, a programme done conveniently, at the comfort zone of learners and a process that encourages continued education. Against this backdrop this paper intend to explore e-learning as a tool for educational sustainability in the COVID-19 pandemic period in Nigeria, advantages of e-learning, implication on educational practices in Nigeria. The education Minister should not just propose the utilization of e-learning but government should enforce and fund it. There should be an online and onsite capacity building that would include training and retraining programmeme for teachers on the utilization of e-learning for teaching and learning as well as strategies required for its utilization and maintenance, towards sustainability.

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