Search-as-You-Type by Using SQL in Bulk Databases

D. Revathi, A. Malla Reddy


A search-as-you-type system computes answers on-the-fly as a user types in a keyword query character by character. We study how to support search-as-you-type on data residing in a relational DBMS. We focus on how to support this type of search using the native database language, SQL. A main challenge is how to leverage existing database functionalities to meet the high performance requirement to achieve an interactive speed. We study how to use auxiliary indexes stored as tables to increase search performance. We present solutions for both single-keyword queries and multi keyword queries, and develop novel techniques for fuzzy search using SQL by allowing mismatches between query keywords and answers. We present techniques to answer first-N queries and discuss how to support updates efficiently. Experiments on large, real data sets show that our techniques enable DBMS systems on a commodity computer to support search-as-you-type on tables with millions of records.


Search-as-you-type; databases; SQL; fuzzy search

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Copyright (c) 2015 D. Revathi, A. Malla Reddy

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