Find the Nearest Hotels on Google Map Using IR2-tree & Spatial inverted index

Hemalatha Kanumala, Shaik Abdul Muzeer


Many search engines are used to search anything from anywhere; this system is used to fast nearest neighbor search using keyword. Existing works mainly focus on finding top-k Nearest Neighbors, where each node has to match the whole querying keywords .It does not consider the density of data objects in the spatial space. Also these methods are low efficient for incremental query. But today, many modern applications support new form of queries that aim to find objects that satisfies both spatial data and their associated text. For example instead of considering all the hotels, a nearest neighbor query would instead ask for the hotel that is closest to among those who provide services such as pool, internet at the same time. For this type of query a variant of inverted index is used that is effective for multidimensional points and comes with an R-tree which is built on every inverted list, and uses the algorithm of minimum bounding method that can answer the nearest neighbor queries with.


Nearest Neighbor Search; IR2-tree; nearest; Range search; Spatial inverted index

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Copyright (c) 2015 Hemalatha Kanumala, Shaik Abdul Muzeer

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