Remote Sensing and GIS Applications of Linament mapping of mahesh River Basin, Akola & Buldhana District, Maharashtra, India Using Multispectral Satellite Data

S.F.R Khadri,, Chaitanya Pande


IRS P-6 LISS III imagery of Mahesh River Basin reveals the presence of prominent lineament sets. Lineaments have been recognized with the advent of satellite imagery. It has been convincingly demonstrated that many of these structures are related to basement tectonics. There it has been shown that structural anomalies the definition of enhanced fracture production zones over Deccan trap are commonly coincident with pervasive basement lineament trends. For instance, the satellite imagery data interpretations supports the view that Gavilgarh faults indicates an older age and the remaining lineaments represents a younger age. The basin lies between two major lineaments i.e. Purna lineament following the course of Purna River display a WNW-ESE trend it is traceable for over 80 km from south of Akola in the east to some distance east of Jalgaon in the west, where it merges into Tapi lineament, this lineament lies in the northern part of the basin and the southern part is delineated by Kaddam lineament trending NW-SE and extends up to 240 km and that has been named after Kaddam River whose course has been controlled by this fault lineament. This lineament has northerly dipped. Faulting has been recognized in several sectors of this lineament. The basin lies between two major lineaments i.e. Purna lineament following the course of Purna River display.


Remote sensing; GPS; Lineament map; Satellite image

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