Analysis of the Benefits and Adoption Approach for CCTLD in Developing Countries

Amadi E.C, Oluigbo I.V., Roland J. O., Ujunwa A.L.


The importance of Domain Name Service (DNS) and Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) cannot be overemphasized; at it is an internet service that works transparently in the background, translating human readable Fully Qualified Domain Name into a network understandable IP address. With that in mind, it is imperative that we properly structure our domain names such that it weighs more on the international community. For a long time, domain names bearing only the Top Level Domain was most popular in the domain market, but overtime, things are changing as individuals, organisations and countries are identifying the benefits of using a Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) as an entity within the Top Level Domain. This research identifies the numerous benefits of ccTLD in a developing country, and analyses the best approach towards adoption and using this ccTLDs.


CCTLD; TLD; Developing Countries; DNS; Naming system; gTLD

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Copyright (c) 2015 Amadi E.C, Oluigbo I.V., Roland J. O., Ujunwa A.L.

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