Influence of Information and Communication Technology on Family Values among the Staff of Ogun State University Teaching Hospital

OWOSENI Joseph Sina, JEGEDE Lucy Iyabo


The Internet, Global System of Mobile Telecommunication (GSM), and Satellite Communication (cableTV networks) are perhaps the most influential of all Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in modern digital society. This study therefore, investigates the influence of ICT on family values.

The study adopted modernization theory, dependency and world system theory  as well as functionalist theory.  A descriptive research design was employed for the study, using both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. The sample size was collected through random purposive technique and a total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to workers of the Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital in Sagamu. Ogun State but only 237 were retrieved and used for the analysis. Also, 20 In-depth Interviews were conducted with male and female respondents and content analysis was employed for qualitative data.

Findings showed that a weak significant relationship (0.368) exists between education of respondents and access to internet. Also, good moral could be negatively altered through television programmes and home movies, the highest percentage (50%) of the respondents agreed that television programmes and some home movies can alter good moral while about 30% of them disagreed that good moral could be negatively altered through television programmes and home movies.

Consequently, the conclusions were drawn from the findings extracted from real life experiences rather than on assumptions or theoretical ideas. The Information and Communication Technologies have a double edged impact on family values. On one hand, there is the detrimental effect of the moral cultures being overshadowed by the more dominant or overriding cultures of the western society perhaps leading to the disappearance of some traditional values. On the other hand, these technologies have yielded a platform or stage upon which the Nigerian scripts are acted out or showcased globally as in a theatre room. The technologies, despite their harmful potentials, thus empower the family have mutual contact and maintain family norms


ICTs, Globalization/global culture, Family Values, Influence, Nigeria, Family Interaction.

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