A study of violence Outside and Inside against woman in Kashmir

Rahul Kumar


A study of Violence against Women is a subjected study to display the situation of majority home makers. According to the report of  United Nation  violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life”.

Kashmir is gargling of the India. When we create a plan to explore the nation our first priority is Kashmir. Beauty of mountain, flavor of nature always hooks you and grabs you towards Kashmir. Women and nature both are interlink each other. Women are always precious for earth, there presence fulfill the nature with power of dignity. Women dignify the serotype position in society and always try to prove them self either in battle field or cooking table. Kashmir is a place which is made by god’s grace but people always unprivileged by their own rights mostly women of Kashmir. Bilal Bashir Magry says that with each passing day, it become more and more convinced that the greatest treat of Kashmir’s freedom struggle is Hurriyatization. Woman played a very significance role in our society and neglected most. If anyone want to destroy the particular civilization just focus on their woman power and they achieve what they want. According to a report Domestic violence is increasing alarmingly in the Kashmir Valley while the studies carried out revealed that more than 40 percent of Kashmiri women are physically or mentally abused by the husbands or by the in-laws.

In this research paper I use a critical analysis to portray the incident and cases in their home and outside the Home In Kashmir Valley. And also try to examine the reason of facing the problem.

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