Human Resource Management and Industrial Relation in India

Pooja Rani, Neha Shrivastav


In today’s dynamic business environment, every organization wants to be a successful organization. It cannot be possible without Human Resource (HR). The most important asset i.e. Human Resource (man power) is known as life blood of any organization. The success of any organization depends upon the performance of their Human Resource. If question arises to find out the most important difference between ordinary organization and successful organization, the answer would be their HR. The organization also wants quality people. The greatest challenge before every organization is to recruit right people in right place. HR is the factors. Employee and Employer both are important. They are the two sides of the same coin. One cannot operate without the services of the other. The main purpose of this study is to observe the industrial relation operation and satisfaction level of the employees, to observe the different welfare schemes provided by the industry. A major in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management has two strands: the theory and practice of relations between employers, employees, unions and government; as well as the management of people within an organization, including recruitment, selection, remuneration, appraisal, and training and development. This is a professional major which includes a work experience program with placements in unions, employer organizations, companies and government.


Human Resource Management, Industrial Relation in India, dynamic business environment, a successful organization, recruitment, selection, remuneration, appraisal, training, development, unions, employer organizations, companies, government

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