Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and His Dawa in Turkey

Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Abdulhameed


The study is an analysis the role of said alnursi-call for islam in turkey. Towards the end of the nineteenth century the Islamic world saw the rise of various imperative identities among masterminds and the 'ulama.. They attempted to discover the responses to the customary inquiry of why Muslims had stayed in reverse notwithstanding others' advancement. Contemporary Islamic thought started to take structure inside of the system of the thoughts that these recognized persons set forward. Said Nursi (1873-1960), known as Bediuzzaman, was a standout amongst the most conspicuous of these 'ulama and masterminds. He saw plainly the significance of reestablishment and reproduction in Islam, and attempted to discover the arrangements that adjusted most nearly to the requirements of the age. This paper will focus on talking about Bediuzzaman's position inside of the development for recharging in contemporary Islamic thought, and the thoughts he set forward as answers for the issues confronted by Islamic culture this century.

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