Adherence, Treatment and Health Communication among Tuberculosis Patients in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Mr OWOSENI, Sina Joseph


Health literacy is a challenge worldwide and most especially in Nigeria. Health of many in the society may be at risk because of the difficulty some patients experience in understanding and acting on health information which, in turn, has a negative impact on health outcomes and the entire health care system. This study seeks to examine the role of health communication on treatment of tuberculosis patients in Ekiti as well as the role of provider- patient relationship on treatment satisfaction.

Theoretically, the study employed Health Belief Model, Symbolic Interactionism and Social Action Theory in explaining the phenomenon. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted in the study. The study respondents consisted of patients and health providersthat were drawn from tertiary, secondary and primary health institutions with DOTS centers in Ekiti. 509 patients were selected in the study. The researcher made use of key informant interview of some medical professionals from 4 out of the 8 selected hospitals. The study was complimented with in-depth interview. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS V18 while qualitative data were analyzed using manual content analysis.

The findings revealed that majority of the respondents (80.6%) were aware of their right to be informed about their health status while 18.7% were ignorant of their right. Total of 91.1% of the patients got their information through different sources.

Consequently, the study provides better information that will improve communication between patients and providers, as well as impact on health outcomes and the entire health care system


Tuberculosis, Health, Adherence, Communication, Ekiti.

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