Use of Information and Communication Technology for Creative Learning

Shivakumar G.S, T. Manichander


 ICT taps into young people’s interests and expertise, exploits their curiosity to explore, and provides a stimulating set of tools to produce creative outcomes for the necessity of creativity and innovation in educational sets. It focuses on three interrelated enablers for change: technologies, culture and pedagogy. Technologies are already accepted by the young generation, who are appropriating ICT tools and in particular web 2.0 applications in new creative ways. New pedagogies have to take into account what it means to be educated in our times, as the overwhelming presence of technologies in our lives brings about a change in the way young people and children learn and understand. A cultural shift is also required in order to promote values that are not always recognized in a school environment, such as risk-taking, uniqueness and originality. Teachers are key figures to implement change, but they need support to understand and accept creativity in their practices.


Information and Communication Technology, use of ITC, Creative Learning, New pedagogies, interests and expertise, creativity

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