Status and Strength of Apple Industry in Jammu and Kashmir

Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Tapan Choure


Apple cultivation is highly profitable economic activity in the state, which is famous for its quality apple. It is farm-based, labor intensive and commercially attractive economic activity. The income per acre is much higher than any other horticulture crops, if it is done in systematic way. Apple production plays an important role in improving the standard of living, per capita income and employment generation. More than half percentage of the population is engaged in the cultivation of apple directly or indirectly in the state. The improvement in production is quite important, but the marketing has equal importance to develop a commercial crop. It has been found that the farmers face numerous problems like marketing, storage facilities, good quality pesticides, irrigation etc which contributes a lot for low production. It has been suggested that if these facilities are providing sufficiently, productivity could be enhanced just like in China.


Production, Apple, Yield, Kashmir, Horticulture, Cultivation etc

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