Trustworthy Argument Auditing for Shared Cloud Data with Message Authentication Code

Guggilam Navya, A Harsha Vardhan


In modern days the cloud data storage is present generations that promote the secure remote data auditing. The existing system considers the problem secure and efficient public integrity auditing for shared dynamic data storage. Cloud data assign stores data in the cloud as well as distribute data number of users. We found the collusion attack in the exiting model .An efficient public integrity auditing method with secure group user revocation based on vector commitment plus verifier total revocation group signature. We find the proposed a new public integrity auditing function to help of Message Authentication Code (MAC) generation and symmetric cryptographic algorithm. The main aim of this paper is to improve privacy and an efficient cloud data storage model to reduce the bandwidth and to improve the data security. This work modify to number groups to access the data. We deplore scheme for group signature. The cipher text support public checking and efficient user revocation in properties like confidently, efficiency, count ability and traceability. Finally we compare our algorithm with old which shows good result in security. The experimental results are analyzed and evaluated in terms of computation time, block size, key size, number of rounds and cycles per block.

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