Open Integrity Auditing for Shared Dynamic Cloud Data with Cluster User Revocation

P Venkatesh, M Venkatesh


Outsourcing storage via cloud computing has been the vogue since quite some time now, leading to researchers and analysts constantly work at dynamic remote data auditing for securing big data storage in a cloud computing environment. There have emerged certain strategies dealing with efficient public data integrity auditing for shared dynamic data. However, these strategies seem to gain little success over securing the remote data against the collusion of cloud storage server and revoked group users during user revocation in a practical cloud storage system. In this paper, we lay out a secure anti-collusion data sharing scheme for dynamic groups in the cloud by providing an efficient public integrity auditing scheme with secure group user revocation based on vector commitment and verifier-local revocation group signature. We have designed a concrete scheme that supports public checking and efficient user revocation and other key properties such as confidentiality, efficiency, countability and traceability of secure group user revocation. Finally, the security and experimental analysis show that compared with its relevant schemes our scheme is more secure and efficient.

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