Vermicompost and its Role in Plant Growth Promotion

Anon Chaulagain Dhurva P, Gauchan, Janardan Lamichhane


Intense use of agrochemicals, including inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, since “green revolution” of 1960s boosted crop productivity but at the expense of environment and health. This led to the exploration of alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides among scientific communities. Several researches on potential of earthworms to degrade solid organic matter and analysis of worm cast have demonstrated the use of earthworm cast (vermicompost) in sustainable agriculture. Vermicompost is a nutritive organic fertilizer enriched with plant available forms of macro (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) and micro (Iron, Copper, Zinc, etc.) nutrients, beneficial soil microbes; nitrogen-fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria, actinomycetes and plant growth regulators like auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. In addition, composition of vermicompost show antagonistic ability against soil-borne pathogens thereby improving plant health. This article presents the importance and use of vermicompost in plant growth and protection and provides the insight on vermicomposting research in Nepal.  

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