Politics and compliance with the Uganda Forestry Policy 2001

OTIENO A. Charles


Forestry policies form a panacea to forest conservation among the developing countries thwarted by non-compliance seen in the pattern of these entities, despite the policies’ workability. Punitively enforcement is condemned by non-complaints from regulated communities, a conflict of interest exploited by some politicians. A forensic critic of documents in Uganda Forestry Policy 2001 (UFP, 2001) and related policies covered the background to forestry policies in Uganda; the government regulatory system on conservation of forest resources in Uganda and the impact of politicians on enforcement of the UFP, 2001. It concludes by conceptualizing the key variables viz. compliance and enforcement with politics playing a pivotal role in ensuring that sustainable forest management is achieved.


Compliance, enforcement, natural resources, NEMA, NFA, regulated communities

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