Co-movement Analysis among different Sectors of Indian Stock Market

Mohammad Athar Noor, Mohd Motasim Ali Khan Motasim Ali Khan, Mohd. Asif Khan


The relationship between the stock markets of the developed and emerging countries has been examined extensively in the literature. However, there are very few studies in the literature that attempt to analyse cointegration among different sectors within a single stock market. Hence, this study examines the cointegration among different sectors of Indian Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) using daily sector indices data from the period January 4, 2010 to May 21, 2013. Stock market sectors include Auto, Bankex, capital-goods, Consumer-durables, FMCG, IT, Metals, Oil & Gas, Power and Realty.


Diversification; Portfolio; Return; Risk; Volatility

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Copyright (c) 2014 Mohammad Athar Noor, Mohd Motasim Ali Khan Motasim Ali Khan, Mohd. Asif Khan

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