Countering Eavesdropper in Wsn by Traffic Decorrelation Techniques



Recently, a number of extended proxy re-encryption (PRE), e.g. Conditional (PRP), identity-based (PRP) and PRE (BPRE) have been proposed for flexible applications. By incorporating CPRE, IPRE and BPRE, this paper proposes a versatile primitive called conditional diffusion based on PRE identity (CIBPRE) and formalizes its semantic security. CIBPRE allows a sender to encrypt a message to multiple recipients by specifying the identities of those recipients, and the sender can delegate a re-encryption key to a proxy so that it can convert the original encrypted text into a new one at a time. new set of recipients. . In addition, the re-encryption key can be associated with a condition such that only the corresponding encrypted texts can be re-encrypted, which allows the original sender to apply access control to its remote encrypted texts in a fine manner. We offer an efficient CIBPRE system with provable security. In the instantiated schema, the initial encrypted text, the re-encrypted encrypted text and the re-encryption key are all of a constant size, and the parameters for generating a re-encryption key are independent of the original receivers of any initial encrypted text. . Finally, we show an application of our CIBPRE to secure an advantageous cloud messaging system compared to existing secure messaging systems based on the Pretty Good Privacy protocol or identity-based encryption

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