Designing and Manufacturing of Tooth Wheel Used in Metro Trains

Gurram Sharon Rose, G. Koti Reddy


Some machining operation is so simple which are done quite easily, such as turning, the job is held in position in the chuck and turning operation is done easily. No other device is required to hold the job or to guide the tool on the machine in such an operation. Be that as it may, a few operations are such sort in which the instrument is required to be guided by methods for another gadget and furthermore a few employments are of such structures which are required to be held in position on the machine by methods for another gadget. Installations are exceptional reason device which are utilized to encourage generation when work piece is required to create inside a set up resistance.

A Tooth Wheel which is looked like a similarity to the transmission gears which had a higher amount of advantages than the reliable gears used presently, This type of gears are used at higher proportions rate of transmission where required like electrical locomotives(metros),flight breakers system. The main purpose of using Tooth Wheel is used to have higher transmission rates.

The aim of the project is to design and Manufacture of tooth wheel, As the process the Tooth Wheel are manufacturing by using circular face mill cutter there may chance of using fixture for tooth wheel. The 3D model of Tooth Wheel is created in NX-CAD software and NC program is generated on 3D model of Tooth Wheel. Generated NC program is fed to CNC machine through DNC lines. Finally, Tooth Wheel is manufactured using NC program which is generated in NX-CAM software.

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