Gender Inequalities in Education and Its Effect on Health of Women and Child

Md. Tarique, Sana Samreen


In India the condition of women was appalling during independence. The deprivation of women in getting the similar level of opportunities relating to education, health, decision making as men due to prevalence of patriarchal society and socioeconomic backwardness in India put women at a backstage. After independence Indian planners and policy makers recognized the problem and framed variety of policies and programs to provide women equal status as men. But since after six decades of Indian planning after making various efforts Indian women are still at a backstage than men on various aspects specifically health and educational opportunities. Under this backdrop, this paper tries to evaluate the status and position of women in India in the light of some important gender –related as well as health related indicators. It makes a comparative analysis of different states of India in the attainment of the indicators.


Gender discrimination, health, women’s education.

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