Role of Information Technology in Women Empowerment

Sukriti Verma


This article explores the role of information Technology in women empowerment. India has become a dominant player in the information technology industry globally. In the past decades industrial scenario in India was dominated by agriculture and manufacturing sector growth. But in the last 10 years especially after 1995 information technology industry has started contributing significantly in economic growth of India. Information Technology now is a robust industry worth $60 billion. Information Technology industry is unique with regard to participation of women in the workforce. Every second fresh recruit in IT industry now is a woman. E-governance initiative of government has also opened an opportunity for women empowerment by increasing access to information for women. IT provides access to same information to women as it is available to men. This information flow is uncensored and without any distortions. The major players in IT industry are now offering an environment that will retain the talented women workforce. To develop women friendly work environment leading companies are now offering benefits like lactation centers, extra maternity leave, work from home policies, creches, and option to relocate to city of their choice in case of transfer of the husband. Not just a good human resource practice, but it has become a matter of survival for companies facing talent crunch. Gender diversity has become a business need. Educated Women have had significant breakthrough by breaking the traditional household, child rearing, socially oppressed life style, because of access to IT. IT reduces the impact of barriers of time and distance in organizing and managing the service delivery of businesses. A large part of jobs outsourced are going to women. The freedom to work from anywhere and anytime can become a catalyst for financial independence and empowerment of women by enhancing their extra income. According to a report released by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), since 2004-05, women internet users increased from 28% in 2004-05 to 32% in 2005-06 [12.32 million]. India shop, an e-commerce website in Tamilnadu, has been designed to sell products made by rural women‟s co-operatives and  NGOs. The Dhan Foundation and Swayam Krishi Sangam are using ICTs such as handheld devices and smart cards, to improve microfinance projects to empower poor women since 2004. Anita Borg Institute of Women and Technology is the outcome of her sustained efforts which was founded in the year of 1997. She demonstrated the risk taking ability of women .Women entrepreneurs like Sarada Ramani of Computer International, Sangeeta Patni of Extensio Software, are setting the trend of entrepreneurship which will foster a new era of women empowerment, where women will get financial independence, respect, honor, and self actualization that they deserve. The article discusses the strengths, opportunities of information technology and the role it can play for women empowerment.

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