Barrier for Carrer Progression in Women Empowerment

T. Amarnath, Jangam Rakesh


The success of a multinational organization depends on the effective international human resource management and in identifying the skilled expatriate. The sociocultural, economic, political and organizational factors in home and host country affect the participation of women in international assignments. Women face greater barriers when compared to men in taking up international jobs owing to socio cultural norms, worklife balance issues and lack of organizational support. These barriers prevent the career progression of women. The negative stereotypes about women, occupational segregation and the masculine culture of organization hinder the integration of women at all levels. Inspite of skill shortage and rising global competition, the participation rate of women is very low at international context. Acknowledging the gendered nature of organization, inclusion of women at all levels, addressing to their special needs and providing supportive organizational policies and provisions will empower women and promote gender diversity. This article discusses the numerous organizational barriers to international positions for women and how each barrier disadvantages women. It also briefs how the present male centered organizational culture is detrimental to women’s development.

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