Seasonal Variation in the water quality parameters of Fish Ponds at Fisheries Research and Training Institute (FR & TI), Lahore Pakistan

Muhammad Arfan Hadyait, Asif Ali, Muhammad Zafar Ullah, Aqeela Yousaf, Ehsan Mahmood Bhatti


Any characteristics of water which effects growth, reproduction, survival, production of aquaculture species are considered as water quality variable. In a good water quality environment the production, survival and reproduction of aquaculture species more than poor water quality environment. The water quality gives knowledge about the use and suitability in every field including fishing. Many researchers view that the quality of water largely depends on physicochemical parameters and biological characteristics. Variations in the quality of water bodies (especially far above or below acceptable levels) can be detrimental to fishes and humans, as well as, other ecosystems which depend heavily on them. Therefor this study was conducted to study the seasonal variation in the water quality parameters. Water samples from three fish ponds of Fisheries Research and Training Institute in triplicate were collected in November-December 2016 and April-May 2017 and tested for temperature, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, hardness, turbidity, free CO2, conductivity, TDS and salinity. Collected data statistically analyzed for mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, bar graph and correlation by using SPSS 22. All the parameters show variations with change in season which was mostly related to variation in temperature. Temperature has significant negative correlation with dissolved oxygen and significant positive correlation with all other tested parameters. Dissolved oxygen have negative correlation with all tested parameters. Remaining all other water quality parameters have positive correlation with each other. All physico chemical conditions were fully life supporting and helpful for the growth and nourishment of healthy fish.

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