Bioturbation Controls on Reservoir Porosity and Permeability of Xena-14, Onshore, Central Swamp Depobelt of Niger Delta

Odelugo L. N., Etu-Efeotor J. O, Okengwu K. O.


The controls of bioturbation on reservoir porosity and permeability of onshore, Xena-14, Niger Delta reservoir rock was conducted. Study revealed a spread of Cruziana to Skolithosichnofacies with average porosity of 23.3% and permeability of 328.8mD over all the study interval covering all the eleven (11) recognized sandstone and heterolithic lithofacies intervals. An average porosity of 23.44% and permeability of 444.6mDwas recorded for the bioturbated sandstone intervals while average values of 23.3% and 322.9mD was deduced for the unbioturbated sandstone facies excluding the heterolithic intervals. The samples generally displayedmoderate to sparse bioturbation (0-30%) andintensity of 2(BI) with the more bioturbated facies intervals displayingboosted porosity and permeability values indicating that bioturbation as much as the grain dispositionof thehigh energy onshore settings positively controls reservoir quality and consequently be applied in exploration and identification of prospective reservoirs.

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