Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

Qasim Ali Nisar, Anam Marwa, Umair Ahmad, Sajjad Ahmad


Perceived organizational support is playing a crucial role in management to boost up employees’ confidence and it’s a motivational mechanism to make your employees loyal with organization. This study investigated the influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in banking and education sector of Pakistan.  For data collection, questionnaire survey used. Sample of 250 respondents received by using non probability convenient sampling technique within a period of two months. Results illustrate that perceived organizational support has positive and strong influence and positive correlation with Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Moreover, this research bestow the just round the corner and guidance to the management of education and banking sector that by providing rational and moderately good organizational support to employees, the competence of these sectors can be improved. At the last of this article, limitations of research, implications and suggestions for further research have also been included.


Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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Copyright (c) 2014 Qasim Ali Nisar, Anam Marwa, Umair Ahmad, Sajjad Ahmad

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