The Development Scheme Of People's Welfare (Spkr): The Changes Main Income Of Group Fisherman In Hardcore Poverty In Area North Kuala Terengganu In 2008



This research was conduct in 2008. That time the writter had finance problem to publish this paper. Now the writter try to publish this paper and add some of new input. Poverty eradication has been one of the government's agenda since the New Economic Policy. Various poverty alleviation programs have been implemented by government agencies and the non-government agencies. Government agencies are the Malaysia Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) and non-government agencies are Ikhtiar Trust Malaysia (AIM) and the Foundation for Poverty eradication (YBK). This article reveals the extreme poverty situation among the fishermen in the North of Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. The respondents were categorized as extreme poverty fishermen and at the same time, they are participating in the Development Scheme of People's Welfare or in malay langauge says “ Skim Kesejahteraan Pembangunan Rakyat” (SPKR). The scheme is managed by Malaysia Fisheries Development Authority, Terengganu. The number of participants for the Kuala Terengganu SPKR Northern part is 35 and only 17 were selected as respondents using judgemental sampling. The purpose of this paper is to identify the demographic profile and income of the respondents (head of household) before and after their participation in the scheme. In addition to identifying changes in quality of life in terms of accommodation and facilities owned. 

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