Modern Lesson Of Foreign Language In Conditions Of Realization (State Educational Standard) In Countries Of Central Asia

Nurmuhammedova Iroda Aynabekovna, Shomurodova Shahlo Jahonovna


The modern world is very changing and dynamic. These changes are reflected in scientific knowledge, technology and human leisure. Therefore, it became necessary to develop a new State educational standard in the context of changing educational demands, which will ensure the development of the educational system in the context of changing individual and family demands, social expectations and State requirements in the field of education.

The concept of modernization of Russian education defines the modern lesson as a multifunctional unit of the educational process, where all pedagogical influences are concentrated and realized. Communication between teacher and students is aimed not only at strengthening cognitive opportunities, but also at systematic, targeted study of personal manifestations of each student.

Modern education must meet the demands of modern society. The main requirement of modern living conditions for the level of proficiency in foreign languages is that a person can communicate in a foreign language, solving his/her life and professional tasks with his/her help.

GOS introduce a new concept - a educational situation, which means such a unit of educational process, in which students with the help of a teacher discover the subject of their action, study it, define the goals of their activities and plan it. In this regard, the interaction between the teacher and the student changes. In terms of the activity approach, the teacher and the student become partners. The focus is on the learner, his personality. The goal of the modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organization of educational activities, which correspond to the set goal of personal development.

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