Public Libraries and Budget Costs: A Case Study of Osun State Library Services in Ife Central and Ife South Local Government Areas

O. Asubiojo, S.O. Obadare, B.F. Akindojutimi


The study investigated the conditions of public libraries in Osun State and found that little or no financial provision was made for library services in these local government areas of the state.  Among the people interviewed for the study were local government officials, community leaders and students.  Community leaders, students and other members of the community knew the importance of library services yet, they were at the mercy of local government officials who claimed that there was no budget provision for library services and as a result, they could not spend any amount for the library because it would amount to “virement” which is against financial regulations. Findings also revealed that the libraries housed obsolete and tattered books. The libraries were located in “hostile” environments that were not conducive to learning. The study came up with some strategies which might assist Public libraries to meet their objectives in the face of budget cuts.  These include inauguration of library committees, library clubs, and formation of friends of the library groups, fund raising and advocacy.  The study strongly advised Policy makers advised to make provisions for library services because its importance in a knowledge driven economy.


Budget, public libraries, information dissemination, poverty, local government

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Copyright (c) 2014 O. Asubiojo, S.O. Obadare, B.F. Akindojutimi

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