Attendance System Based On Face Recognition By Using Raspberry Pi

Imran Husain, Bablu Kumar Choudhary, Shubham Sharma, Sachin Sontakke, Imran S. Khan


In this paper, we propose a robotized framework that takes the participation of the understudies for classroom addresses. Our framework takes the participation utilizing face discovery and face acknowledgment. We have built the address participation framework in view of face acknowledgment, and is connected to the arrangement of classroom address. This paper first audit the related works in the field of participation administration and face acknowledgment. The face is the character of a man. The systems to adventure this physical element have seen an extraordinary change subsequent to the approach of picture preparing methods. The participation is taken in each school, universities and library. Customary methodology of participation is teacher calls understudy name and record participation. It requires some investment to record participation. Assume length of time of class of one subject is around 50 minutes and to record participation takes 5 to 10 minutes. For every address this is wastage of time. To keep away from these misfortunes, we are about use programmed process which depends on picture handling. We are utilizing face location and face acknowledgment framework. The camera will be joined with the Raspberry pi module. The understudy database is gathered. The database incorporates the name of the understudies, their pictures and move number. Along these lines with the assistance of this framework, the reality of the situation will become obvious eventually spared. It is so helpful to record participation. We can take participation on at whatever time.
Keywords: Viola Jones algorithm; Haar like element; Image handling, Raspberry pi

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Copyright (c) 2016 Imran Husain, Bablu Kumar Choudhary, Shubham Sharma, Sachin Sontakke, Imran S. Khan

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