A Virtual Mobile Assistant System Using NOVNC Framework

Snehal Shahaji Varpe, Somnath Sakore, Vishal Mate, Ritesh Thakur


Remote control systems are used to control and monitor devices. It is very important for testing software and hardware developments in several real devices. The virtual network computing is used to access the desktop of remote computer system with the help of an Android based cellular phone. By using VNC architecture, user can access and manipulate the desktop within Wi-Fi range. It can be used on cross-platform also like, Windows, Mac or Linux. In this before transmitting the image to the cellular phone it is compressed. Ideally all the VNC applications has encryption mechanisms like RAW, XLIB, Hexical, Tight, etc. These existing mechanisms takes lot of bandwidth for sending the data. So, in this project we are going to implement a new protocol named COREE which is based on NOVNC architecture. In our concept we are directly capture the screen pixels from display driver before it is displaying on screen and do encryption and send to it to our VNC client. The method which we are going to implement is very effective because it saves lots of bandwidth and eventually provides very good performance.
Keywords: Android; Remote Control; VNC; Java; Mobile Devices; Security solutions of Mobile devices; Remote Visualization; COREE; NOVNC; etc.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Snehal Shahaji Varpe, Somnath Sakore, Vishal Mate, Ritesh Thakur

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