Intellectual Awakening of Ash-Sheerazi

Hanna Inam Ameen


The research deals with the philosopher Qutb as-Deen ash-Sheerazi and his role in philosophy and religion in his country and in Islamic countries. He is a significant person in both science and religion. He is an explainer of many philosophical books and he was influenced by philosophers.He has a signifcant role and clear effort in the Mamlukian era. He has important implications of valuable sources that supply the benefits of thoughts and knowledge. These sources enrich and decorate libraries of the most beautiful ornaments of books and detective. He is a philosopher and a scientist knowledge and he is the owner of a huge number of scientific books. We are concerned with is the scientific implications of intellectual and religious aspects.The most important book in this aspect is his explanation for the book of Illumination Wisdom. This explanation reflects his great influence by the famous scientist As-Sahrawardi (Tarabishi : 2006: 374). The research is divided into two sections. The first section of this research sheds light on As-Sheerazi’s life and his intellectual, philosophical and cultural school. Also the first section shows the diversity of Ash-

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