Data sharing in cloud computing using forward security Authentication

Mr. V. Sudarshan, Mr. A.Dileep Kumar, Ms. Vemulapalli Bhavya


In the advanced cloud computing world Data sharing has never been more facile task. Data communication with a sizably voluminous number of participants must take into account several issues, including efficiency, data integrity and privacy of data owner. Cellular automata image is a promising candidate to construct an innominate and authentic data sharing system. The segmented sanctions a data owner to anonymously authenticate his data which can be put into the different places of cloud for storage or analysis purport. Yet the costly certificate verification in the traditional public key infrastructure (PKI) setting becomes a bottleneck for this solution to be scalable. Forwarded Identity-predicated (IDbased) ring signature which eliminates the process of certificate verification, can be used instead. In this paper, we further enhance the security of Forwarded ID-predicated ring signature by providing with segmented cellular automata scheme. If a secret key of any utilizer has been compromised, all precedent engendered segments that include with a utilizer still remain valid. This property is especially consequential to any immensely colossal scale data sharing system, as it is infeasible to ask all data owners to re authenticate their data even if a secret key of one single utilizer has been compromised. We provide a concrete and efficient instantiation of our scheme, prove its security and provide an implementation to show its practicality.


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Copyright (c) 2016 Mr. V. Sudarshan, Mr. A.Dileep Kumar, Ms. Vemulapalli Bhavya

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