Classy Controller Using Fuzzy Logic - Controller for Concert Enhancement

Khaled Mohammed Beer Gamal, S. S Handa, M V Ramana Murthy


Besides the advantages, there are some limitations of Fuzzy Logic Controllers. The tuning of an FLC is a very difficult task. To make the tuning easy and efficient, there are several structures of fuzzy logic controllers are available. This paper considers new structures of fuzzy logic controllers. Two structures, self-tuning FLC and fuzzy supervised conventional controller are considered. In Fuzzy Logic control rules and scaling factors play very important role. In this paper, a self-tuning PI-like FLC is used for the tuning of output scaling factor. In FSPI, we tune the PI controller parameters with FLC. So, it adds the advantages of PID controller and FLC. The design of these controllers is discussed. These are implemented to control three non-linear example systems. The concert of FLC, STFLC and FSPI controller is compared with each other. It is found that STFLC and FSPI controller give better concert than the conventional PI controller or simple FLC.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Khaled Mohammed Beer Gamal, S. S Handa, M V Ramana Murthy

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