An Investigation of blunt nose cone withUltra high temperature ceramicComposite TPS materials

Annaldesh Sai Charan, G.Naresh Babu, G. Shiva Kumar


Aerodynamic drag and heating is the valuable in the thermal steadiness of hypersonic automobiles at various speeds. The contemporary tendencies in the design of nose cone constitution needs an amazing Thermal Protection System (TPS) meets the need of the gap study technology. In this study a natural nose cone with specific ultra-high Temperature (UHT) ceramic composite TPS materials like Hafnium diboride (HfB2) and zirconium diboride (ZrB2) is analyzed and when compared for its strong protection towards switch of warmness into the constitution. A naval model is designed for from the standards of blunt nose cone and analyzed with the commercial program. A normal quad 4 node aspects is adopted to participate in thermal evaluation in ANSYS program and the simulated outcomes are validated with numerical solutions. Present ablative materials like SLA-561V, SIRCA and AVCOAT are having the warmth flux levels up to an110W/cm2 and temperatures ranging as much as 2000˚C and want of recent substances and its reliability are focused in this research.


Thermal Protection System, Thermal stability, blunt nose cone, UHT ceramic Composite.

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